Riders reviews
How our travel reviews work
- At the end of each trip, we will contact our riders and ask them to review the ride they have just returned from. All feedback will be appreciated and taken into consideration.
- On the basis that the editorial guidelines have been respected, the review will be published within a period of one month.
- Equus Journeys reserves the right to respond any questions and comments that have been published in the review.
Editorial conditions for Equus Journeys reviews
Each review will be published on our website, with the consideration of editorial conditions:
- Reviews that contain discriminatory, abusive or insulting language will automatically be refused publishing rights.
- Reviews must relate to the trip and services provided by Equus Journeys only.
- Once a review has been published, it is therefore the property of Equus Journeys meaning authors rights will be waived accordingly.
- Customer reviews must be in accordance to the current French legislation
For any enquiries, please send an email : info@equus-journeys.com